Moses Melkonian – Beirut Lights

February 4, 2012 § 24 Comments

I’m back in the UK after a great trip with my family to the French Alps (more later…)

For now I wanted to give you guys the back story to the folk song ‘Beirut Lights.’

I wrote it in a little hostel in Beirut, the melody kept creeping into my mind throughout my trip…

All these photo’s were taken with my canon 300D in 2010

Road tripping is a casual thing in Lebanon. The sun sets on a long drive east, to the mountains…

We  stop off for a coffee. A Bedouin and Beiruti exam out attire, we get talking and drink together… A cultural crossroad, A place of many secrets.

Epic ruins of a by gone age stand tall in empty plateau’s among mountains carved out by great storms many ages ago… Lebanon is a land of great history.

We navigate our way back to Beirut, through narrow mountain passes, and across open plains.

We picked up some soon-to-be buddies and hit the famous Beirut rooftop bars for a night I will never forget.

The next morning was hazy. I wondered Hama and admired the elegant Parisian / Maronite architecture… only in Beirut.

Lebanese families greet the morning, very casually, very Lebanese, no rush, just sunshine and smiles


The sun set’s in our palms. The night is ours, we were mighty were young…

Where Am I?

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